January 24, 2011
Querida familia mia,Well we have had an eventful week this week. As far as proselytinggoes, we didn`t do a whole bunch of it. Elder Kasat, as DistrictLeader, had to do a bunch of interviews for our district who had 4baptisms planned for Saturday. We had to go to the mission office sothat one of our investigators could be interviewed by President Tyler,and we helped the Tenorio Family move on Tuesday to an area outside ofour mission. (Don`t worry, we had permission to leave) They moved toanother part of Lima called San Juan de Lurigancho. About how the baptisms went... Lourdes decided not to have her baptismthis week. She decided that she wanted to be sure that this was theright thing to do, and she just wasn`t sure yet, but yesterday atchurch she told everyone in the investigators class that she was goingto get baptized, so its gonna happen. When is the only question. Wehope to move her further along by the end of this week.Angelica`s baptism was awesome!!! She got baptized on Friday and thespirit was really strong. She also brought a bunch of her family whoaren`t members. She bore her testimony and it was really short, butreally powerful. She also promised to start coming to more of church.She has a few problems with a few of the members in the ward, and itheld her up for a long time, and then about a month ago she startedcoming, but only to Sacrament Meeting. Sunday she came to TheInvestigators class as well which was awesome. Hermana Gibson taughtanother awesome lesson. Angelica is an example of how having amissionary in the family blesses all of the family. Her son Diego isserving a mission in the PerĂ¹ Trujillo mission right now, and becauseof this is why she got baptized. It was great for them as well. Shehad her interview with President Tyler on Thursday, and withouttelling her, President Tyler called the Mission President for theTrujillo mission to ask for permission for Diego to call his mom forher baptism, so she got the happy surprise of a 5 to 10 minuteconversation with her son. She also brought a few of her non-memberrelatives to church with her Sunday. It was awesome.Enrique came to church Sunday without his mom, which was awesome. Hismom (Julia) had come to church the week before and brought him withher, and when she couldn`t come Sunday I thought he wouldn`t comeeither, but he was there, and he seemed to like it.O ya, I almost forgot... Transfers... Well Elder Kasat is beingtransferred on Tuesday, so I am going to have a new companion. Idon`t know who it is yet... I´ll find out tomorrow, but it willdefinitely be a great transfer. Our goal (well, for now, my goal) isto have 4 baptisms in the month of February, and it is something thatis very possible. I´m glad that everything is going well, and that the sports are goingwell for everyone. :) I hope that moms ankle keeps healing and thatbasketball continues to go well, and that you have lots of fun withall of the snow and the cold while I am here roasting in my tie andlong pants. Please keep me posted and keep up the good work in the ward and at home. I love you all,Tyler
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